Online Drone Courses
around drones and digitalization for kids & teens
The online courses of the DroneMasters Academy provide practical and theoretical content on the topics of drones and digitization in various online modules.
Our trainers and coaches provide advice on individual tasks and projects and give valuable practical tips. Among many other things, we can support you in developing and building your own drone or teach you how to program with drones.
In the process, participants can interact with our trainers via a virtual classroom and solve tasks on their own at home. The different courses can be viewed via the tabs below.

The online courses of the DroneMasters Academy cover different topics. Some courses require specific equipment.
In this online course, we show how to develop simple and complex 3D models using Boolean operations. Sounds complicated? It is not! We show you how to use a simple CAD program to create your own 3D models, which can then be printed out using a 3D printer.
Our trainers convey all contents in an understandable and comprehensible way. No previous knowledge is necessary.
The course includes two online sessions of two hours each.
Age group: 10 - 16

Small drones offer an easy way to enter the world of programming. With the DJI Tello, simple missions can be programmed and technical commands can be understood. Our trainers give an introduction to block-based programming and thus open up access to a new world. The participants of the course can do all the exercises themselves from home. No previous knowledge is necessary for participation.
A prerequisite for this course is the ownership of a DJI Ryze Tello. The course includes two online sessions of two hours each.
Age group: 10 - 16

Online Sessions
For the various online sessions, we use a conferencing system that is specifically designed for learning and consulting formats. The system is easy and intuitive to use and requires no registration. Of course, a stable internet connection and a computer or tablet with microphone and camera are prerequisites for participating in the online sessions.
We regularly inform about new online formats.
Register here: